vendredi 28 novembre 2014

Black Friday Madness: Women Fight Over Lingerie At A Victoria’s Secret Store

Black Friday Madness: Women Fight Over Lingerie At A Victorias Secret Store image medium 4144875142

Women are fighting over lingerie during Black Friday at a Victoria’s Secret store. According to a 17-year-old girl caught in the melee, the brawl was triggered after another woman poked her in the eye. The entire incident was caught on video and has become a viral hit on YouTube.

In the footage, it appears that two women are just all out going at it while fellow shoppers look on and several staffers try to intervene. One of the woman is knocked to the floor while the other pounces and appears to throw a series of punches from the top position before being separated. That shopper can be seen clearly riled up and shouting at the top of her lungs.

Women fighting over lingerie aren’t Black Friday’s only newsworthy story this year. At one Walmart store, a male shopper is seen being held down by police and the sound of what appears to be a Taser going off. In the meantime at another Walmart, footage shows a man shoving a woman aside just to be one of the few to get his hands on a bargain HD TV.

It’s no secret that this annual event brings out the worse in people. It’s not uncommon to see seemingly possessed shoppers resort to pushing and shoving. Of course, there are also those crazy stories that make the news that involve tasering and pepper spraying. Sadly, these stories are now expected every year and have even become amusing.

As more of these incidences are being captured on film, the rest of the world can see them and get a good chuckle out of what really can only be described as madness taken to the extreme. Women fighting over lingerie for this Year’s Black Friday only add to the already expansive video collection of people showing their worse traits.

[photo credits: Steve Rhodes]

Black Friday Madness: Women Fight Over Lingerie At A Victoria’s Secret Store

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